Practice Plan Week 5

Key of A Major!

Warmup: Long notes in A Major, 2 octaves, looking for the most resonant and beautiful tone for each note.

Tuning: Major triads along the A Major scale, with your tuner providing a drone on the tonic of each chord. My favorite all-purpose temperament is currently 1/6 comma meantone. Valotti also work, and equalt temperament if you don't have other options.

Etude: Hotteterre, L’Art de Preluder Op. 7, p. 8 (at the bottom)-9. Warning: this is in French violin clef!

Here is a link:'art_de_pr%C3%A9luder,_Op.7_(Hotteterre,_Jacques)


Benda Concerto in A Major, First movement:,_L2.15_(Benda,_Franz)

Bach: Sonata in A Major, BWV 1032, 3rd movement, Allegro:,_BWV_1032_(Bach,_Johann_Sebastian)



Practice Plan Week 3

The key of the week is G Major!

Long notes in G Major, 2 octaves, looking for the most resonant and beautiful tone for each note, all the way to the high G. The high G appears occasionally in the literature, nd while high, it is not impossible... besides, if you practice playing up to the G, the notes above high D are not that scary anymore...

Tuning: Major triads along the G Major scale, with your tuner providing a drone on the tonic of each chord. My favorite all-purpose temperament is currently 1/6 comma meantone. Valotti also work, and equal temperament if you don't have other options.

Etude: Quantz Capriccio:


Dothel, G Major, p. 10 on the facsimilie here:,_Niccol%C3%B2)


Kirnberger, Sonata in G Major, the fourth one in this set:,_Johann_Philipp)

Telemann, Fantasia No 11 (a good piece to practice the did'l articulation.)

Vivaldi: Concerto in G Major:,_RV_435_(Vivaldi,_Antonio) 

(Vivaldi had strong connections with the court of Count Morzin in Bohemia, to whom he dedicated his Op. 8 which includes "The Four Seasons")

Practice Plan Week 2

Week 2: Key of E minor

*Add this to your e-minor week: *

Warmup: Long notes in E minor (melodic up, natural down) 2 octaves, looking for the most resonant and beautiful tone for each note.

Tuning: Major triads along the E minor (natural) scale, with your tuner providing a drone on the tonic of each chord. My favorite all-purpose temperament is currently 1/6 comma meantone. Valotti also work, and equalt temperament if you don't have other options.

Etude: Frederick the Great, 100 Daily Exercises: No. 17, 20. This book is available in many libraries, or you can order from Flute world (search the title) or Amazon, search under "das flötenbuch". Von Huene carries it sometimes too.


Handel E minor sonata, Op 1a, the first one here:

Wagenseil, Sonata in E minor:

and, for something French, just for fun:

Hotteterre: Suite no. 4, p. 31

Some chamber music, maybe?

Telemann: Paris quartet in E minor